Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The blog begins

About a week ago, my husband and I moved 600 miles away from home to Indianapolis. When we got married in the fall, we received a lot of gifts for the kitchen--including a KitchenAid mixer, a griddle, new pots and pans, new knives, new silverware, a china set, new everyday dishes, lots of baking pans, an ice cream maker--can you tell I like to cook? We kept a lot of these gifts stored away as we knew we'd be moving within the year and didn't need them at the time.

So now, with a bunch of new equipment to play with, a brand new and amazing kitchen (it actually holds all of the equipment!), and about 70 new recipes from my Pinterest addiction, I thought: better start a blog.

I love a lazy weekend involving a good cup of coffee and a good book, something in or on the oven, something on the knitting needles, and a queue full of projects to try. I hope to capture and share some of that loveliness here.


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